Where do you like to be when it's storming?

Answer #1

Depends what kind of storming were talking about, thunder i love being outside, lightening i love watching from the comfort of my house, rain i love dancing about outside haha :)

Answer #2

oh man…if there’s lots of thunder/lightening & raining I love to be under a warm comforter…preferable with a nice hot cup of herbal tea(earl gray with a teaspoon of honey) watching a good action/thriller/horror or sci-fi movie! One of my phobia’s is of thunder & lightening…oh man bad childhood!

Answer #3

i like being on the porch watching the rain and lightening. cause when it rains hard u feel the mist and then its just awesome haha. its relaxing

Answer #4

Looking out my window or in my bed listing to the rain

Answer #5

just chill and listen to music in my room, or go outside and watch the storm.

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