How do I stop being pessmistic?

My mom is always talking about how negative I am.

Answer #1

Determine every morning when you get up you’re going to look on the bright side/blessings side of things…’s a conscience CHOICE….

Answer #2

-put a sign above your bead saying the above-

Answer #3

:O bed*

Answer #4

You can’t unless you start changing the negatives into positives. Take something you’re being negative about, and make it a positive. Do something about what you dislike and turn it something good instead of complaining/being negative

Answer #5

just always have a positive attitude.when ever you start to get a negative remind your self to look at the good things happening at the moment

Answer #6

For starters, I think it’s important to at least TRY to see the positive rather than being so quick to point out the negative. Don’t automatically jump to one conclusion, good or bad. Relax and go with the flow. Find things you exceed in, and that you feel you have strengths in and focus your mind on those. That, in turn, should help make you a happier person. Also, a lot of times, pessimism stems from unfortunate life circumstances, constant rejection, and low self-esteem. If you find things that make you happy and excel in them, it might help your view on your abilities and/or reasons for looking at the negative side of things.

Answer #7

There are daily postive read booklets available with a postive thought for the day. You can also obtain them online and have them e mailed to you. If you read it daily and focus your thoughts on incorporating that days thought into working it into your own day to day? You may find it easier to change your thinking patterns. Think of it like physical excercise that when you want to change the way you physically look you comit to an excercise and diet program. The daily inspirational reads are an emotional excercise and incorporating that thought throughout the day in what you do is like the diet you incorporate throught the day. Keep doing it and you’ll see results.

Answer #8

First thing when you open your eyes in the morning, give thanks for being alive another day, for a refreshing sleep, for the home that shelters you from the elements, for your health, for your loved ones, for the challenges that help you grow, and for anything else that occurs to you.

During the day, tell the people around you as often as you can what you are grateful to them for or what you appreciate about them. If you have (or want) a relationship with G!d, tell G!d, too.

I see from your profile that you love to dance, and you like metal rock. When things start to get you down or feel too hard, picture yourself dancing through the discordant music of your life.

Last thing at night before you go to bed, write a list of at least five things that happened that day for which you are grateful.

Come back here in a week and tell us how it’s going and what your thoughts are about it after trying this out for a while.

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