How do you stop yourself from killing yourself?

Answer #1

Focus your thoughts on positive things, talk to people that make you happy, talk about your problems, leave and get away from the problem, lay on your bed in the dark listening to your favorite up-beat songs, go on a walk, talk a hot relaxing shower, do something you know relieves your stress, think about the people you love and the people that love you, think about how amazing your life can be later on in your life and all of the things you can do! Things will get better and if you need to funmail me, I’ll listen if you need to talk about anything (:

Answer #2

Sometimes people get so overwhelmed with their problems, that’s all they can see and feel and they become stuck in it and can’t see beyond. The overall reality, is nothing is forever…and there are things that DO happen in everyones life, that makes you feel you want to be part of it and life is worthwhile and your glad you were there to be a part of it. Unfortunately, it’s not something you can see when your stuck in that warp of lies that your mind is telling you…this pain will never end….Truth is it does end, and personally, the pain you know is the happiness at some point you can’t invision…you will also know.

Answer #3

Hanging on to yourself …is the key to finding yourself one day saying…I wouldn’t have missed that for the world.

Answer #4

Get help. Seriously get help. People who try to kill themselves suffer from depression. Depression needs treatment.

Answer #5

I agree with Kayla. Life is tough, you have to consider the path ahead of you. It is prone to change direction often. If you’re in the dumps now, then chances are things will get better with time. People are usually at the deepest extent of their worries to consider removing themselves, but the ones who (unfortunately) end up doing it never figured out that from the worst, darkest points, life can only get better. Depression (if that is your case) is like a deep and dark hole in the ground. Imagine you’re on a ladder and you can climb up towards the open surface, if the ladder is gone you can cry out from the bottom and someone will eventually hear and help you out. Either way, with time and patience and a little help from your friends, You can get out of this hole.

Answer #6

everyone t a time feels a little bit like that but what ever is causing this for you just think positivley and if it really starts getting bad like you are thinking of ways to do it and where to do it or even where you have tried go see doctor please even though i dont know you i dont want you to kill yourself if things get bad and you want to talk to someone your free to funmail me:) i hope you will be happy again:)

Answer #7

Get help! 911,

Answer #8

Tell someone who knows you about your suicidal thoughts and feelings. Preferably a trustworthy and responsible adult. Ask them if you can call them whenever those thoughts and feelings plague you.

Answer #9

to be blunt stop being selfish and self obsorbed is a pretty good way to put..if you honestley think your not important then theres something wrong with you…think of it this way…everyone was put on this planet for a reason…so if you werent meant to be here you wouldnt be….your capable of achieveing soooo much…nd to think of all the people that love you….you parents your friends…did you ever think about them nd how this would effect them???…nd also there are sooooooooo many people out there that have some much worse then you…i dont know you but i can prob guess your going through some tough times with ur parents and the people that are closest to you …or maybe your being bullied…whatever the case may be…its not woth killing yourself

Answer #10

to be blunt stop being selfish and self obsorbed is a pretty good way to put..if you honestley think your not important then theres something wrong with you…think of it this way…everyone was put on this planet for a reason…so if you werent meant to be here you wouldnt be….your capable of achieveing soooo much…nd to think of all the people that love you….you parents your friends…did you ever think about them nd how this would effect them???…nd also there are sooooooooo many people out there that have some much worse then you…i dont know you but i can prob guess your going through some tough times with ur parents and the people that are closest to you …or maybe your being bullied…whatever the case may be…its not woth killing yourself

Answer #11

to be blunt stop being selfish and self obsorbed is a pretty good way to put..if you honestley think your not important then theres something wrong with you…think of it this way…everyone was put on this planet for a reason…so if you werent meant to be here you wouldnt be….your capable of achieveing soooo much…nd to think of all the people that love you….you parents your friends…did you ever think about them nd how this would effect them???…nd also there are sooooooooo many people out there that have some much worse then you…i dont know you but i can prob guess your going through some tough times with ur parents and the people that are closest to you …or maybe your being bullied…whatever the case may be…its not woth killing yourself

Answer #12

Blunt but brutally honest….Depression with sucidial tendency’s is infact the ultimate act of self absorbition. It is a demand for the possession and control of the people and or conditions sorrounding themselves. And that in itself is the mind;s ability to lie to itself. I agree, we all have a reason for being here in this specific time and place and disconnecting is not what is true of our nature to be.

Answer #13

I just hope that you are asking this advice, for one of your friends. If not. . . Don’t let negative thoughts get hold of you. Center yourself with positive thoughts. Think about something
nice and something you love. Like your passion for music. Trust me on this one. It will go away. Life is beautiful, enjoy it. . .

Answer #14

well the only thing stopping me is thinking its a sin and im gonna end up leaving all the people i love and care about. you know how you say you will never hurt the people you love? well if you do choose to leave this world you are going to end up hurting them more than u could ever think was possible.

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