stinky breath

my best friend breath stinks all the time, should I tell her

Answer #1

ask her if she has ever heard of a toothbrush

Answer #2

nah just give her a breathmint or sme gum, so she want gt mad,,, thts what I do :)

Answer #3

buy her mnits or gum

Answer #4

you should tell her butthole

Answer #5

offer her gum or a breath mint if she says no shove that sh*t in lol..

Answer #6

aha. I have the same problem with my Tudor.

Answer #7

tell her… poof be gone your breath is 2 strong wait–come back I have a tic tac

Answer #8

Offer her a breath mint - if she doesn’t take it, “No, no, you don’t understand…Dragon-breath today :-)…smile

Answer #9

Offer her some gum… be like “Oh hey, have you tried this gum? You should it’s really good!”. Or do that with a mint. That was she doesn’t get overly pissed and her breath improves for the time being :)

Answer #10

A breath mint or gum is the same as putting a band-aid on something. You’d be just covering up the inevitable. She needs to be told and if you are a friend, you’ll do it. Just think of a way to be tactful (maybe think of a way that you would want to be told if it was you). Even if she does get mad, it should only be temporary and she will thank you later.

Answer #11

Just say, hey your breath kind of smells. I’m sure she’d rather hear it from you than some hot guy… If you tell her, she’ll fix it.

Answer #12

I’m not trying to be mean, but you need some listerine. not a sip not a swallow, you need the whole bottle…haha haven’t heard that for some time.

Answer #13

Be open with them and suggest the following (worked for me):

Rinse first with hydrogen peroxide whitening mouthwash Brush with pure baking soda on the end of a wet tooth brush. Reapply often Floss with baking soda by wetting the floss and dipping it in the powder then flossing Rinse again with the mouth wash Brush with a tartar control tooth paste Scrape tongue well. Use an after rinse Rinse mouth thoroughly

Ant-acids help with any stomach smells

Answer #14

Tell her once. if she is a true friend she will understand, If not, you don’t need that dragon breath anyways. If she can’t take a hint, have her take a hike. I promise you will get over her friendship in time…

Answer #15

Just tell her that if she has a problem, then to brush her teeth. She should buy Listerine for her mouth as well. If she brushes her teeth, it might be a medical problem since she has bad breath. Sometimes when people are upset or have asid in their stomach that could cause all that to come up during anxiety or she could be upset about things. Then, since her breath smells that bad, just have her brush her teeth. If she’s a true friend, then she’ll understand how you feel. Don’t be afraid to tell her. If she gets mad, then she’s not a true friend. Then, you should tell her to carry Listerine Pocket strips to freshen up her breath while going out in public. Good luck and I hope your friend does what she needs to do.

Answer #16

you know what I think it will be better to tell her yourself, if you had a problem wouldnt you want your close friend to tell you instead of you date? or someone else?? just be honest with her, dont make it sound so harsh, but tell her :)

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