Still in love with my ex

What do I do, I still love my ex and it hurt me badly what do I do?

Answer #1

well I now how you feel I just got back with my ex. I still had feelings for him and he stil had for me..we broke up because I got with someone else and don’t regret it because I got him all you need to do is follow your heart

Answer #2

omg I was in da same situation but I got lucky and got over my ex by fallin in love wit some 1 else just date someone else its that simple

Answer #3

listen tell him that you want to give the relationship another try…say you love him and if gives you attitude or somefin…then let go…the world is big …and you will find a guy that wont hurt you and love you like his angel…trust me

hope I helped :):) good luck

Answer #4

Hi ashleys14, u’ve got to figure out a way to take you’re mind off him even though it might be difficult. This is something that might be painful but in the end it really pays off. look honey, I hope you get through this soon.

Answer #5

back off my man or we ganna fight. lol lol lol

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