what do u do when someone starts shit with u?

Answer #1

depends on the shit. if it’s small shit I let it go if it’s big shit I handle it it depends on the big shit as to how I handle it.

Answer #2

well if this tells u anything she called me a whore then is now goin around tellin everyone that my brother got his gf prego and its not true

Answer #3

If I were in your situation, I’d imagine myself just ignoring this girl. I mean, in my head I’d probably be like “allllllright, f*ck you.” haha, but I personally would just shrug it off, unless I could think of a witty comeback. For example, something like, “Man, I bet you were up all night working on that one.” Generally, though, I think it’s best to just kill ‘em with kindness. You know, that’s probably the best form of revenge. Don’t let what she says phase you, and you’ll catch her off guard. This will all just make you seem more mature in the end.

Answer #4

lol ok

Answer #5

No one starts any with me, I have a big scary dad. lol

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