Are spoiled kids from wealthy families?

Answer #1

well you have to be wealthy to spoil your child, so yes.

Answer #2

it depends on how you spoil them.. whether its spoiling them with goods and money or spoiling them with letting them get by with whatever..or both..i know alot of families that spoiled their kids but they had no money..but the money they did have would go to their kids..whatever their kids wanted..they got for them even if it meant they lived in a not so nice house or whatever..i’ve seen kids at my school who had nicer cars and stuff than their actual

Answer #3

No. Poor parents can certainly indulge their children. Spoiling doesn’t always take the form of expensive gifts and cars for their 16th birthday. You can spoil a child by letting it have everything it wants. TV shows, friends sleeping over every night, car rides all over town, letting them dictate what you do with your free time… that happens in families whether wealthy or not.

Answer #4

Not necessarily.

Answer #5

no not really. im extremely spoiled and i have only one parent that pays for me and my brother both out of her pocket. so no they dont have to come from rich families

Answer #6


Answer #7

I come from a poor family, and my mum spoiled me rotten. She took me to movies, museums, the swimming pool even though she was tired. She hardly said no even though she was stressed and worked long hours being a single parent. Spoiling me meant giving me all the time, and attention. Sometimes toys but not as much as the time.

Answer #8

that sounds like my life lol

Answer #9

There is no technical definition for a spoiled child though most of us know what we mean when we call someone a spoiled child or brat. A spoiled child is one who can not delay gratification is stubborn and can not stand not to get their own way. The cause of spoiled children has little to do with wealth. Parents who do not set limits for their children, who reward bad behavior, and allow their child manipulate or negotiate with them are the culprit. The idea that excessive gifts spoil children comes from parents who try to make up for other shortcomings with expensive gifts. Parents who attempt to bribe their kids to love them or behave with gifts do not succeed. The discipline has to come before anything else. Some kids are much more difficult to discipline than others. Kids with Asperger’s, Autism, ADHD, and/or mood disorders can be a nightmare for parents. With consistency and and suitable consequences for their actions even most difficult children will eventually come around.

Answer #10

yeah i know some friend has anger problems and he is really hard to control.

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