What do you do when you can't get the splinter out of your finger?

Answer #1

you keep trying it a few times & if it doesnt work go the the doctors office or hospital! They will have it out super quick!

Answer #2

I’ve heard elmer’s glue (or any wood glue) works pretty well? You just lay it on thick, let it dry, then peel it off.

Answer #3

What if you don’t have any glue currently at the moment. Is it possible to get an infection over night

Answer #4

Your body will eventually just push it out. That’s what I do with all my splinters if they’re small; I just let my body do the work :)

Answer #5

It will fester and be pushed out :) you can also use a needle to try and dig it out and put some ointment on it if your worried about infection

Answer #6

I’d worry more about it disappearing, and then festering and becoming infected. Do you have scotch tape?

Answer #7

well yuo can dig it out cut it out or go to the docs or leave it in

Answer #8

It will work it’s way out (fester)….but it takes some time, and it hurts while it’s doing it….

Answer #9

Try putting wax on it. Wait till its dry and peal the wax off . It should come out.

Answer #10

no just soak it in warm water it will slide right out:)

Answer #11

Make sure u clean it out with peroxide and I would just put a band aid over it and let the skin grow over.. No big deal

Answer #12

nope thts a bad idea it will get in fected tht way….

Answer #13

I use a sterilized needle to get splinters out.

If you burrow the needle underneath or beside the splinter it usually will lift it enough to get a hold of it with tweezers.

Answer #14

No we don’t have any tape around but when I go and get school stuff we will

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