Spirtuality Questioned?

I was going to ask a question about something else entirely but when I began to read the other questions, because the best way to find an answer is to often browse the questions of others, I became saddened and deeply disappointed.

Is it right to denounce what another believes? Are you right because you think what you believe entitles you to dictate to another? I saw a post on here that stated that if one was not Christian it would be known because not being a Christian means that (“OBVIOUSLY“) you have no moral integrity and then begin to lie and cheat and steal. That notion is absolutely ludicrous to me. Because one is Muslim one is wrong? Because one is Wiccan one is following a dark path? Because one is Buddhist one will be cast in to the fires of an eternally burning abyss? How is anyone else to say? Belief is a wonderful in that anyone can have it and it can be in anything but zealotry is beliefs ugly two headed cousin and I am weary of encountering it every where I turn. It rises with its pitchforks and torches to attack those that have made their own decisions and to try and force itself on those that do not ask it. If you believe you are right that’s wonderful and I am happy that you are so fulfilled in life but why not allow others the same courtesy?

The greatest person I have ever known was Buddhist and the one that most made me question humanity was a man from the local first Baptist church group. Is it not “Judge lest ye be judged?”

I apologize if this is not the place to post this, but I have grown weary of certain things as of late and hope this place to be a suitable outlet. If this is not so please let me know and I will contact a mod to remove my post if I cannot remove it myself.

Answer #1

so toadaly does two wrongs make a right then?

Answer #2

–zealotry is beliefs ugly two headed cousin–

It is indeed. I couldn’t agree more with your thoughts on people’s beliefs. For someone to have spiritual faith (or faith in no spiritual existence even!) can itself be an incredible thing to experience. It doesn’t matter what religion you belong to. The problem however is that people do not like to hear something they believe in (something very precious to them that may have changed their lives very positively) disparaged; hence people feel the need to change other opposing faiths to match their own, due to their own massive conviction to -their- truth.

Answer #3

I say do what you feel right. if you love budism than do it if you love wiccan be a wiccan. I myself am a christian and I get a lot of crap about it. but it is what I feel is best for me.

when people ask me why im a christian…I dont really have a reason except I can feel in my heart that I want it.

so I think that whatever religeon you want than do it. and dont let people make you feel like crap. as long as your heart is in the right place.

Answer #4

As you say, Judge not lest ye be judged. There are 140,000 members on this site. Each of them has a different perspective on life, a slightly different belief system and different standards of morality. Many of them have a low tolerance for differences between themselves and others and express themselves accordingly.

There is such great diversity on this site that there is a place for everyone. All it takes is the realization that we have to learn to agree to disagree and to make a little effort to tolerate those who don’t seem to have the ability to allow others the freedom to be themselves.

I hope you don’t let a few negative encounters turn you off to the site. It does have a lot to offer you and you have a lot to offer this site.

Welcome to Fun Advice!

        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #5

* Is it right to denounce what another believes?

Sure, why not? People don’t really respect other people’s religious ideas for the most part, so why pretend otherwise?

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