Space Travel

When do you think people will land on Mars? The first Extrasolar planets? The Andromeda Galaxy? The Other Side of the Universe? -My Guesses Mars- March 21, 2030 First Extrasolar Planets- 2323 What year do you think that people will land on Mars, First Extrasolar planets, The Andromeda Galaxy, and The other side of the Universe? Any comments, or suggestions?

Answer #1

We already have…we made it. We’ve been through some evolution sense we first got here but there you have it.

Answer #2

Never, World War III will bring us back to the dark and or stone ages before we become advanced far enough technologically to land on Mars or any other planet. Or if not WWIII then a Pole Shift, or a super volcano eruption, meteor strike, global warming. You name it…

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