Why sore throats?


Answer #1

Sore throats can be caused by several things. Most of my sore throats are caused by allergies and post nasal drip. Gargling warm salt water is your best home remedy. If you also have a fever, difficulty swallowing, or if it lasts more than a few days go see a doctor.

Hope you feel better soon!

Answer #2

SORE THROAT !! Most sore throats are caused by viral infectons such as the common cold. Bacterial infection,especially Strept can also play a part. Sore throat can be caused by anthing that irritates the sinsitive mucouse membranes at the back of the throat and mouth. some irritants include dust, smoke, fumes, extremely hot food or drinks, tooth or gum infections, and abrasions. Coughing and excessive loud talking can also irritate the throat. Sore throats can last up to days and even weeks. Sore throats can signal a cold, flu, mono, herpes, measels, & chicken pox. causing you to be fatigue.

Try Echinacea to fight bacteria, also plain yogurt, Vitamin C ,gargle with salt & warm water, honey & lemon, No Smoking ! Change your tooth brush when you feel better, bacteria on the tooth brush can give it right back to you if you dont change it.

Answer #3

Lol, its usually a cold virus. Rarely turns into a bacterial infection. like strep. Gargle with salt water as much as you can.

Answer #4

erm maybe u’ve been takin part in A sexual act ;p

Answer #5

It can be a number of things. A sore throat can come about if you have strained your throat by yelling, or singing incorrectly. It could also come about if you have a sinus infection or a really bad cold.

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