why does my cat snore...

why does my cat snore…

Answer #1

lol that’s cute…well, I have nothing better to do and I have a cat that snores too so I googled it.

Your pets’ snoring probably isn’t bothering them at all, says David Tayman, D.V.M., a veterinarian in private practice. Snoring usually means that a slight obstruction – like postnasal drip or a loose bit of tissue in the throat – is rattling when your pet breathes. It may be noisy, but it is not a serious problem.

If your pet is snoring all the time, he could have allergies. In pets, as in people, being overweight can also cause some nighttime noise, adds Richard L. Headley, D.V.M., a veterinarian in private practice “As the tissue in your pet’s throat becomes thicker, he may start snoring.”

Answer #2

I’m not sure,, probably the same reason as humans My dog snores REALLY loud xD I think it’s normal :)

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