smokingg help

well yesterday I had my first smoke.well it was really a few puffs of a cigar, but now im craving one right now. I know I shouldn’t be smoking, but my dad said that I could smoke if I wanted to, its just that he wouldn’t stop me from smoking, but he also said smoking is expensive.. and I was wondering, which is worse? regular ciggaretes, or cigars? and say my dad catches me smoking? what would I say? he wouldn’t get mad, well maybe not too mad, but still.. any help?

Answer #1

you will crave it but just hold your self back people don’t understand that we have enough will power to stop doing any thing even if it seems to be a addiction and if you want to continue I don’t know about what is cheaper you can go to the store and look at that there’s no law against looking and you are dad said it was ok so your like off the hook

Answer #2

dont smoke trust me. I did for like 5 months. now my lungs are HORRIBLEE you have no idea. I cant even go up and down mi stairs without like having a heart attack.

but also 1 cigarette or cigar wont get you addicted… ya got to smoke at least 7

Answer #3

I really wouldn’t smoke at all, sheers years off your life. You might want to stop now before it comes an addiction and you can’t stop yourself.

No cigarette or cigar is good for you, plain and simple.

Answer #4

look, smoking isnt a good habiit to start especially at such a young age its easy to get addicted to it causes lung cancer among other health problems it lowers your life expectancy it affects your brain after years of use it ages your skin and it can even mess with your fertility among many other things its also expensive, and keeping up with the habbit of smoking can easily cost over $1000 a year theres really no need to start if you can, avoid them, dont have any more and hopefully the cravings will wear off because its a lot harder to get rid of the cravings once your depenndent on a daily does of nicatine what would happen if your dad caught you? well he probably would be too happy, he might just give you a punishment like ground you or something similar what would you say? just tell him the truth

Answer #5

If you had a couple of tokes of a cigarette you would not be addicted. I am 15 and I know I shouldnt have smoked but I smoked since I turned 13. And it takes atleast months to properly crave one. Thankfully I stopped now and I am so glad I did and everyone makes out it is harder than it is. And yes it is also very very expensive

Answer #6

7? It’s not like “7” is the lucky number that hooks you when you smoke.

I smoke everynight before I go to bed and I’m not addicted yet.

I say I’m not addicted, because there are times when I go days and sometimes weeks without the next few days that I smoke, and I have no withdrawal symptoms.

However…you’re not craving more after a “ few puffs “, sorry. You probably just liked it and would like to try it again, which isn’t addiction.

Answer #7

If you had a couple of tokes of a cigarette you would not be addicted. I am 15 and I know I shouldnt have smoked but I smoked since I turned 13. And it takes atleast months to properly crave one. Thankfully I stopped now and I am so glad I did and everyone makes out it is harder than it is. And yes it is also very very expensive

Answer #8

It isn’t worth it smoking is nasty, it smells and tastes bad, plus cigarettes are very expensive and getting more expensive all the time. It is awful for you health and is more addicting than heroin because they sell them everywhere and are more or less socially acceptable to smoke anywhere. Everyone I know who smokes wishes that they could stop but they can’t. Its sad they are pathetic legal drug addicts who have no will power to stop themselves from continuing to harm their body. Don’t do it, it is not worth it in any way shape or form.

As much as you will try to convince yourself you aren’t addicted(like every new smoker does) you are already addicted if you are craving any tobacco

Answer #9

smoking is bad…period …one ciggeritte is as bad as 100 tampons in the but .. okay ?

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