Smelly fixes??

Sometimes my uhh vag smells what can I do to fix that??

Answer #1

wash it..

Answer #2

If the smell is accompanied with itching and burning on urination, you may have a urinary tract infection (UTI). You will need to see a Dr for a prescription of an antifungal medicated cream or pill. Vagisil will help the itching, but won’t stop the smell or UTI. If the other symptoms aren’t there, then you may just need to work on hygiene. Use cotton (or lined) panties, don’t wear your pants too extremely tight, and keep it clean by washing well with soap and water–maybe even a couple of times a day if you sweat excessively. (=

Answer #3

My girlfriend always complains about how horrible her’s smells around the time of her period, but I’ve never noticed it and I don’t think anyone else has either. So, I always just thought that it was just something she smelled and she was overly self-conscious about it, but I’ve heard lot’s of stories about things like this since joining FA, so, I don’t really know.

Answer #4

vagisil XD

Answer #5

You need to make sure you wash everyday at least once, if not more. Wear cotton underwear or at least ones with a cotton lining. If you do all this and still it’s a problem you can get vaginal deoderants. Make sure the deoderant and what you wash with has a formula that keeps your natural pH balance otherwise you will just get even more problems, Femfresh do washes and deoderants that do this and work well and you can find them in most supermarkets/chemists. a lot of their products also help prevent cystitis. Hope this helps x

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