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Can you tell me some american slangs??… I speak english but as I dont live in the U.S I dont know any slangs or cheesy words you cant say..
what are some common slangs and what do they mean??
here are some examples:
she’s a real airhead.
meaning-stupid person
do you know where the action is in this town?
your ideas about politics are all wet.
meaning-completely wrong
he’s a nut.
meaning-crazy person
it’s no sweat to have the paper in monday morning.
meaning-no problem
I need some dough for christmas shopping.
meaning money
dough,swag,mullah(pronounced moo-law) all refer to money
older people are usually easy marks.
meaning-likely victims
do you have a few bucks?
her plan was a bust.
let’s go catch some rays.
meaning-get some sunshine
he is such a couch potato.
meaning-lazy person
she stayed up all night cramming for the test.
meaning-study hard
she feels like she could croak anytime now.
this disco is really dead tonight.
his jacket is really grungy.
we need to hang tough.
meaning-stick with
she’s had good vibes all day.
meaning-feel good about
it’s time to hit the sack.
meaning-go to bed
he’s v ery sharp with numbers.
PIMP-ghetto word for “cool” GANGSTA- “badass” pretty much SHAWTY- “person, friend, girlfriend” SICK-“awesome, amazing” FLY- “cool looking or acting” TRIPPIN-“havin a fit or acting cool”
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