Why do girls want to look so skinny?

why do girls want to look so skinny?

Answer #1

because fat is nasty looking..but too skinny is too but..I don’t know, I think I’m the perfect size..that’s just me though..haha..oh oh oh, and also..if your fat…it’s harder to find cloths in yhour size!!! and. the skinnier we are, the less fabric we take up..and then, more people in like..egypt er whatever the poor countries are will have cloths..and all those people with but flaps can better cover themselves!!!

Answer #2

thanks I have always been called fat but I would rather have a proper meal in me than worry how im going to try not to snack on a FAIRYCAKE but I reallt feel that celebs dont care who they hurt im never going to meet no posh spice or angelina jolie so I dont see why any one or me shud look up to them but thtz me thanx for the advicexxxhunixxx

Answer #3

most girls arent happy with their bodies anyway fat or skinnny. girls want to be skinny most probabally because of the brilliant example set by celebs personally I think they look amazing . although some people cant help it and have eating disorders which is both a mental and physical illness.

Answer #4

They think it’s what’s on the outside that attracts boys to them. But what’s on the outside tends to attract the boys who mainly want sex. What’s on the inside is what is going to get the most caring boyfriend.

Answer #5

some girls want to fit into cute clothes, or fit into the smallest jeans avaiable.| some girls think thats why guys like them, if it is, theres a serious problem. some girls get made fun of.

Answer #6

Dear honeybee7x,

In my opinion, it’s because of the media’s influence. Anorexia is very common in celebrities today, don’t some girls rather to look like Angelina Jolie than themselves? I disagree with this, but I find it truthful.


Answer #7

cause being thin looks better than being fat

That depends on HOW thin, and HOW fat…

The extremes of both are EQUALLY disgusting.

Answer #8

Because they have a distorted self image, often brought on by the fashion industry; who is well-known for marketing an unattainable degree of physical perfection, that ultimately does NOT exist…

Answer #9

I agree with plainwhitets. The media is always telling us thin is in, so we believe them. Since most people look up to celebrities, they want to be like them. So, they think by being thin they are one step closer to being like them. Hope this helps. :)

Answer #10

I have no idea why everyone blames it on celebritys. Its all inside your head. Sometimes girls who have had a really hard life they find if there is ONE thing they can CONTROL it is their weight, I see thats why most girls become anorexic or bulimic because its the only thing that they can control - what they put in their mouth to what weight they are - Its not all about the media…


Answer #11

They get so caught up in celebrity news… and what are celebrities doing?

starving themselves… so what do they do??? starve themselves…

it’s rahter sad…

and Captainassassin hit the nail on the head (again) with having the distorted self image… that’s pretty much all it is… people trying to be perfect… and it never happens… so they justakeeponatrying… and that’s when girls start “to look so skinny”

Answer #12

because fat isnt nice

Answer #13


Answer #14

some girls think its cute and a fashion stament but everyoens great just the way they are

Answer #15

true… but there’s no need to take it so far out of hand… like many girls now day do.

Answer #16

I agree with babybooey.

Answer #17

cause being thin looks better than being fat

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