skater hair..

I want to have hair that has those curves that skaters have but I have no clue how to get them help?

Answer #1

theres no such thing as “skater hair” weather you mean ice skating or skateboarding they dont all have hair as youve mentioned if you mean ice skating, then quite a few of them just curl it

Answer #2

oooh. ok I know. yeah you just kinda grow your hair a bit longer, well depends on how short your hair is now I guess, but just wear like a hat, and your hair will go off to the sides I think. my guy friends hair go like that.

Answer #3

oh well I dont know. you said “skater hair” so I just suggested what boys in my school do to their hair. do you mean like when their hair is kinda usged out on the sides?

Answer #4

what? no like grrr. dow do I put this like it would be like a gilr curling her hair but just one curve.. I think people call them gators or gutters or I don’t know..

Answer #5

grow it out and maybe add layers

Answer #6

this isnt my hair but this is kinda how I want it

Answer #7

brush your hair to side.

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