Who Is Looking Silly Now?

My Ex Girlfriend Cheated On Me And Lost Me All My Mates

But I Bumped Into Her When She Was At The Doctors And She Could Not Look At Me And When I Was Waiting I Kept Smilling At her And She Still Would Not Look At Me

Was I Right To Do What I Did?

Please Answer


Answer #1

When you ask if you were right to do what you did do you mean smiling at her? I see no problem with smiling at someone even when they are your ex that cheated and they wont pay you any attention. If by smiling at her you were trying to tell her that everything was okay and yall can be friends and she wouldn’t pay atention to you and you still want her to know that then next time you bumb into her tell her. Try to talk to her. Sounds to me like she still likes you and she can’t look at you because she knows that she still has feelings for you and doesn’t want to face them. So if your question was is it okay to smile at her the answer is yes. Smiling is fine. Just don’t be rude. Don’t stoop down to her level. Hope this helps. =)

Answer #2

No It Was A Smille As In I Was Telling Her What She Done Had Not Got To Me

Answer #3

I see no problem with that. I had sex with an older guy then he stopped talking to me completly. The next time I saw him I smiled at him, and it had the same meaning as yours did. So if I told you that what you did was wrong I would be a hippocrite.

Answer #4

They Was Smiles As In Telling Her She Not Getting To Me And If She Wasnt Afraid She Would Look Wouldnt She But She Didnt She Could Not Look At Me Once You Get What I Mean

Answer #5

They Was Smiles As In Telling Her She Not Getting To Me And If She Wasnt Afraid She Would Look Wouldnt She But She Didnt She Could Not Look At Me Once You Get What I Mean

Answer #6

Yea. And one reason she didn’t look could be because she is ashamed of what she did.

Answer #7

Thats Right:)

Answer #8

lol glad to help. =)

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