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signs of pregancy
okay I think im pregant but I dont know the signs of it I just want to know some signs I’m 18 and I been in a relationship for 2 years 2 months
uhm your best bet is to google it.. all I really know is theres morning sickness at one point..you stop getting your period.. your boobs swell but I think thats at the end of your pregnancy.. I don’t know google it hun
Whats the first signs and how long? - 1 Answers
Whats the first signs of being pregnant? and how long untill you get them?
Does Signing A Prenuptial Agreement Make Your Marriage Statisticall - 1 Answers
Does Signing A Prenuptial Agreement Make Your Marriage Statistically More Likely To End In Divorce?
What are some signs? - 2 Answers
Ok, I was just wondering if you guys could give me some "signs" that a guy likes you, he's just holding back. Thanks!
Good & bad signs? - 1 Answers
Whar are some good signs a guy gives you when he likes u? Wut are are some bad sign a guy gives you when he dont like u?
what are the signs that a guy likes you.. signs girls overlook? - 4 Answers
I think this guy likes me and sometimes he acts like he does.. he touches my hair or he lays on my shoulder.. but what do guy...
What signs are there that a girl loves a guy?? - 1 Answers
People what signs are there to know if a girl loves (or has a crush on ) you??
What does this sign mean? - 3 Answers
What does it mean to have a V sign w/ your fingers up to your mouth then sticking out your tongue. What does that sign mean?
I gave her my # but...she didnt' call, bad sign? - 3 Answers
she hasnt called/ txted me yet is that a bad sign?
what are some signs 3 or 4 weeks in - 1 Answers
hey if its true I could be pragnant.. what are possible signs for being like..3 or 4 weeks "pragnant"?
What zodiac sign in women are more difficult to get? - 1 Answers
I dont know if is true. but i have heard that virgo women are the most difficult women to be in love with. Im aries, but i re...
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