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Signing in and out
Why is it that I sign in. Then when I accept people for friends or even sometimes when I go to some other page, It signs me out. It keeps this up and I can’t refresh and get back in. Why does it do this and how can I stop it?
try signing in on different computers and see what happens. I’m not sure. sorry.
How to sign up for the photo of the day? - 1 Answers
How do I you know; like sign up or whatever for photo of the day ?
Why do I keep getting signed out? - 1 Answers
When I am on the homepage or a category I am signed in but when I go to answer a question it shows me as signed out. I tried ...
how do ya sign out of this website? - 4 Answers
I no this a stupid question how do ya sign out of this website?
how the fuck do I sign out?! XD - 1 Answers
This "new" version is soo confusin' to me! XD I can't find the sign out button anywhere. Maybe I looked right at it and I'm j...
I keep signing out - 4 Answers
Does anybody else keep signing out of this site? It's really annoying because I have to sign in again and then do my answer a...
Signed out - can't answer questions - 1 Answers
I understand that FunAdvice has shifted servers and made some other technical changes... but it IS very irritating that, afte...
How do you change your logo sign??? - 1 Answers
How do you change your little logo title, like for ex. Jaw9, how do you change it to something else?
Can people see your questions if you are signed out? - 2 Answers
can people see your questions if you are signed out? I need to know. thanx
my sprint phone wont let me sign in on fun advice - 3 Answers
why does fun advice not let me sign in on my phone and I have a sprint phone with internet???
What is that 100% sign under my questions I've answerd? - 2 Answers
When I look under the questions I've answerd some of them have 100% signs underneath them, and im not sure what that means d...