Should I take him back?

me and my boyfriend broke up last week cus there where rumors of him cheatin on me, I know I shouldnt had believd them but I did. now im mad at my self cus I didnt have any proof that he did it. the girl he supposily cheated on me was his ex, she and her friends were the only ones sayin that he cheated on me with her. I didnt hear it from no one else. when we broke up he got relly mad at me, and now hes going around telling everyone how much he luvs me and how much he wants to get back with me. he called me like 3days ago and told me how he felt. I mean I still luv him in every thing im just confused on what I should do. im just afraid that im going to get hurt. what should I do and do you really think he cheated on me?I kinda think he scared of his ex lol, sum people say that he could b using me, but I dont see how cus he got a job, and he know I dont feel comfortable givin him money lol and he cant use me to have sex cus I told him from day 1 that I wasnt ready for that so, and he cant use me just to have a gurlfriend because if that was the case then he would b with his ex right???. and on top of that if he didnt care about me he wouldnt b all up on ma pu**y all day errday, callin me tellin people to talk to me. I just need yall opinion on what yall think and what should do

Answer #1

im sorry but womens intuition sometimes is a bunch of BS. look if you feel that he cheated and have good evidence other than rumors then yes leave his a$$ cause you dont need him…but if all you have is rumors and your womens intuition then you might be messin up a good thing…look the reason why women always sya that there are no good men and that all men are dogs is cause once one does it we all become guilty of bein dogs…give hima chance to either prove you wrong or right cause you dont want to let go and find out that all the rumors were just that rumors.

Answer #2

If you truly believe that he cheated, then go with your gut instincts. It’s called womens intuition. And I strongly believe in it. But on the other hand, you didn’t have ANY proof that he was cheating, so maybe if you’re not competely sure he WAS cheating or even considering it, then you should give him a second chance.

Answer #3

I think you need to hear it from him you need to believe him not the other girls. If you love him listen to him and no one else trust him just go up to him and look straight in the eye and ask him “did you ever cheat on me” just try it and don’t listen to the other girls they are trying to brake you guys up because they are jealous. Trust me

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