Should Sarah Palin release her medical records on her children?

Should Sarah Palin release her medical records on her children? Also, do you think it’s personal? or should they be released as part of the election?

Answer #1

No. Obama didn’t release his kids medical records, and none of them should have too.

Answer #2


However I do have a problem with her spending $12,000 a month on a celebrity makeup artist.

Answer #3

of course not, it is completely irrelevant. Who is saying she should?

I would rather her come clean about all the traveling the kids did around the state at taxpayers expence.

Answer #4

Dude thats her kids choice. Not hers. And plus I think that the stupid gay politicians need to try not to freakin try to beat everbody down. If there supposedly the best choice why do they have to comment on the other candidate

Answer #5

Hell no.

Answer #6

Ditto on thedude’s answer.

Answer #7

What on earth do her children’s medical records have to do with anything? That’s bizarre.

Answer #8

I don’t even like Sarah Palin - but no, that’s not right. That’s personal information that doesn’t need to be released, that’s going too far.

Answer #9

I don’t like Sarah Palin at all. But, no that’s not right. It doesn’t have anything to do with anything. It doesn’t have to do with what she’s going to do for us as our VP. I hate that politics have turned so personal. Tell us what you’re going to do for the US and that’s that. No personal attacks. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if your teen is pregnant out of wedlock, it doesn’t matter that your son is going to Iraq, the fact that you were a prisoner of war for 5 years, it doesn’t matter people think you’re muslim, or that you graduated from Harvard. IT DOESN’T MATTER! Sorry, lol but I thought people should hear that.

Answer #10

Her medical records, perhaps, but not those of her kids. Has zero to do with her running for VP.

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