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should I talk to my ex
me and him broke up about 3 days ago. neither one wanted to. but there was just no spark. except when we kissed. we only dated for 2 and a half months. we agreed to talk to eachother and be friends. the thing is he hasnt talked to me. why is that? should I start talking to him. I was thinking that I should because maybe he thinks that im over him (which im definatley not!!) and that I wouldnt want to talk to him. which isnt the case. I really want to talk to him. I already asked him “ if we are suppose to be friends, then how come we havent talked?” to much? to soon? so if I should keep talking to him…what else should I say. I definately dont want to seen needy OR like I cant live with out him. * how often should I talk to him.
*questions that I would like to have answered..
Talk to him if it will keep your friendship and make you feel more comfotable. He probably hasn’t talked to you because boys mature slower than girls and he’s probably embarrassed or just doesn’t know what to say. I don’t think it’s too much too soon to ask why you aren’t talking, if you want to keep the friendship, keep it up. Or write him a letter / note about how you want to be friends…
I agree I would talk to him. Most likely he is afraid or nervous because he doesn’t know how you feel and want things. Sit down tell him exactly how you feel and that you still want to talk and be friends. It’s neither of your faults that there wasn’t a spark there but it’s always good to still stay close friends. If he agreed to stay friends then I’m sure he wants to just doesn’t know exactly how to. talk it out and work through it together. Like editor said if you don’t feeling comfortable talking to him face to face about it write him a letter or note and either give it to him yourself or one of your friends give it to him.
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