Should I move out?

Should I move out of my dads house ??? He always thinks I am stoned or wasted and I have never drank or smoked anything !! He thinks I am haveing sex with my b/f … But I am still a vergin … I dont know why he thinks all of this … Most of the time he is dunk and I am so sick of being yelled at and him throwing breakable items at my head … I dont know what to do … He has even threated to kick me out but I always came back …I dont know if I can do this anymore …

Answer #1

Your dad sounds abbusive and he sounds like an alcoholic. You should move out and find somewhere else to live. Where is your mom? If she lives in a different area, why don’t you live with her or someone else like your aunt or Grandparents. It isn’t safe anymore at your dad’s house since he’s very abbusive and, drunk. He accuses you of smoking, drinking, and having sex with your boyfriend which I have to praise you that you’re being a well behaved girl and, being a virgin is wonderful. Your dad is crazy for thinking that way about you and, he doesn’t deserve to have anyone living with him. So, I would say move out.

Answer #2

I, too, agree that you should move out and go to your grandmother’s. He will only become more abusive. If he doesn’t enter an alcoholic treatment program then your safety is going to be at risk – for real!

Answer #3

If he is throwing stuff at you or trying to hurt you then leave. Or report him. Thats not right =( if you can talk with him and work things out, go get a drug test and prove your not smoking anything. see how he reacts when you prove him wrong

Answer #4

he has already made me take a lie dection test and a drug test … he doesnt mean to hurt me when he throws stuff at me or hits me … he only does that when he is drunk …I dont want to report him I love my dad …

Answer #5

Ok so here’s what you might be able to do.You might be able to take your dad to your grandmas w/all of you and then he probably won’t act so bad.Or you could at least have your grandma come and stay w/you for a day or two and have a big heart to heart.I know you love him and he’s probably acting this way b/c your mom cheated and hurt him.He dosen’t know how to deal w/all the pain.Mabey you should at least have someone out of the family who can relate come and talk it all over w/you and him and everyone?Is he actually hitting you or throwing things at you or twoards you? I’m sorry you and your family have to deal w/this.I think that you should stick by your dad b/c he needs you : )

Answer #6

we could stay with my grandmother … but a part of me wants to leave but the other part wants to be with my dad

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