Should I Move??

ok well I live with my mom and I go to my dads everyother weekend and lately me and my mom have been getting in to fights and my step dad is always treating me like crap and yelling at me for stupid stuff and when his kids do it its ok. my mom doesnt step in and do anything, also when she wants me to kiss my step dads as* I dont and I get blamed for haveing attitude problems. also I’ve talk to my grandma and she agrees with me. I try to a avoid them and it doesnt work b/c they yell at me for being my room to much any way I need to make a decision soon

Answer #1

live with who you feel like living with…if my mum was doing nothing while I got in sh!t from my step dad and his kids did the same and got away with it…id move out…id call her selfish and tell her she chose him over u …make her feel bad…maybe she will realise what she has lost and tell her partner to tone it down abit…but the same if you do decide to do that…do it quick before they have more of a reason to yell at u..

Answer #2

do you have a boyfriend? Cause if your very close to someone dont move cause your famiy

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