Should I just dump him?

I’ve been dating this guy for 6 months now, we dated back in 08’ so ever since I’ve been inlove with him. Hes great and all but, he has some issues.; He gets mad at me really easily, hes always playing xbox, hes always horny and replying to my IMs or texts 10 mins later, he says that I’m always a b*tch to him, he’s hurt me sooo many times in the past. I’m kinda sick of him. Today I woke up at 7am, and I checked my IMs on my phone and he was STILL playing xbox.. its getting too obsessive. But I cant talk to him about it without him being mad? btw, im 15 and hes 16 and doesnt goto school + im afraid he might get taken away and I dont want that, help? + his friends say im controlling cause I dont let him watch porn.. am I?

Answer #1

You can’t tell a guy he can’t watch porn because he definitely will. In my opinon if you’re spending time with a guy who treats you poorly and would rather be in the company of his xbox then with you dump him! You want someone who, yes, maybe plays the Xbox once in a while, but will atleast put you first. About the IM thing he’s probably too busy to respond back fast. Tell him how you feel and if continues to treat you bad think about the positives and the negatives of the guy. Does he treat you well? How often? Is he a sex-crazed maniac? Could you do better?

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