should I have a baby at 16?

IM 15 and will be 16 in a few months. I want a baby but my boyfriend says no because its best for the three of us. Im great with kids and especially babies. I think it would motivate me more in school too. Should I get pregnant or not? I think its the right thing to do but he disagrees. I dont know how my parents would react but I think they would eventually understand. me and my boyfriend have been together a year. and we have really safe sex/ what should I do?

Answer #1

No, and the reason is you’ll ruin your kid. You’ll resent it then it will resent you. And have an awful life. Don’t be selfish.

Answer #2

wait till your older and with a guy that wants a child… now is not the right time…

Answer #3

No - You wont have the money to pay for the milk, babysitter, and so forth.

you think it will motavate you in school? - Think NOT!

It will bring you down - keep you tired - and sleep in school - and you think sleeping will make you have better grades?

Wait till you go to college adn get a good job :) It’s the rite thing to do.

  • your boyfriend is rite -
Answer #4

yes you should

Answer #5

So you want to babysit full time without pay? Money for diapers, milk, doctors, clothing constantly outgrowing them, crying baby all night and you have to keep getting up. Do you think your boyfriend can afford him, you, a baby, and go to work everyday after a baby has been crying all night? You need to finish school, get a job, save money, get married, then think about a baby!! Do you think high paying jobs will hire a 16 year old?? One that thinks having a baby at that age is a good decision?? Not!!!

Answer #6

You are only 15 years old! Why in the hell are you trying to get pregnant.

Also, your not old enough to work or drive. A baby the first year cost 10,000 dollars, that is NOT including the medical bills and doctor bills. Where are you going to find 10,000 dollars? Even with a minimum wage job you will not make that much money. You dont have health insurance (a pregnancy is not covered on your parents health insurance) and doctor visits can cost as much as 200 every time you see them (which is once a month and every week in the third trimester). Then you have the hospital bill - mine was 9,000 dollars for my delivery.

I’m sick of young girls turning something as beautiful as pregnancy and childbirth into a huge joke. You should not be trying for a baby right now, who is going to take care of it? Dont say your parents - they did their job by raising you - it’s not their responsibility to raise your child. How are you going to pay for child care, a crib, medical bills, formula, baby food, cereal, clothes, towels, wipes, diapers, blankets, a stroller, a car seat, medicine, etc. You are not thinking clearly my dear.

Here’s some information on the pregnancy, birth, and after also. It’s all 100 percent true and not even close to everything..

The Pregnancy: -the swollen body parts that ache -the constipation -the hemmroids -the aching breast -the not being able to get up of the sofa by yourself -the strechmarks -the morning (allday) sickness -the kicks the baby gives to your ribs -the frequent urination -the constant pap smears -the blood work -The Peeing when you sneeze -Your nipples getting huge and dark (they stay that way) -Your vagina being swollen -The discharge -Wanting to eat everything in sight -The bad teeth - a lot of pregnant women’s calcium get’s sucked out during pregnancy,

The Birth: -Your pushing something the size of a watermelon out of something the size of a pea. -You are most likely going to tear, sometimes from front to back. -You get stitches. -You get poked in the back for the epidural -The epidural usually just takes the contractions away not the pressure -The pressure is a whole different kind of pain, imagine all your intestines, trying to escape from your vagina. -The contrations are like period cramps times a million. -The nurses are coming in every 30 seconds, to stick their fingers in you to check for dialation, give you a catheter to drain the pee out of you, and to poke around down there. -You can not eat or drink the ENTIRE time you are in labor. All you get is ice chips. -There the ring of fire, as they call it when the baby’s head crowns, it really does feel like your vagina is on fire and ripping! -90 percent of women take a crap while they are pushing the baby out, you can’t stop this from happening.

After the Birth: -Then afterwards, you have the fun adventure of bleeding for up to 6 weeks. The first time you get up out of the hospital bed after giving birth, blood and fluid gushes from your vagina all over the floor. -You’ll most likely pass blood clots after giving birth too. If you dont get to the bathroom fast enough, they can fall down your pantsleg. -Dont forget, no tampons! Only big nasty pads for the next 6 weeks! -Your breast will be engored and sore and will leak milk from anywhere from 1 week to 3 months. It is painful and you have to wear bra pads in order to keep from leaking through to your shirt. -No sex for 6 weeks - sometimes longer.

Answer #7

Get your head out of the clouds, and do good in school make something of yourself and then get married and have as many babies as you want, ok Deal?

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