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Should I get more piercings?
I have my tongue and lip pierced…I had my nose and bellybutton, but I took it out because the place I got it done I didnt trust the guy afterwards. I want atleast two more but I dont know what will look good on me??
I definatly think you should get your septum done.
Or maybe a sternum. Something awesome.
I like the unusual peircings. Things that not many people have, and when they look at them they go “holyshit, Ow! did that hurt?!” hahaha :)
If you want more piercings, go get them! I think that they’d look fabulous on you, and if you don’t like it, you can always take it out! I would say that an eyebrow piercing would look good with your lip one good luck!
I did my nose in my belly button myself but I took them out…but you should get as many periceings as you want…I have 10 but I had a total of 18 done (mostly by me). if you are worried about what anybody says just tell them to f**k off…
yah you for sure shud get sum more piercings and a couple tattoos to wit em..
its your body perice it if youe wish xD
ummm it hurt more than my tongue…yea it did hurt a lil
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