Should I continue?

If my friend told me to go for the guy that I like, but he likes a couple people, should I continue. I know that when he gets a girl, he doesnt treat her bad. He told my friend that he kinda likes me, but we need to get to know each other more. And will it turn him away if I sound sad or upset that we arent together yet?

Answer #1

so keep talking to him on the internet, and slowly start working your way towards him at school! as far as the month thing, I don’t think it matters if you know and trust him! DATING IS ABOUT GETTING TO KNOW SOMEONE! thats what dating is all about, its not about love and making out like some people imply, its about getting to know the other person! tell him that, might open him up some more, but don’t push him into dating too much!

Answer #2

MORE INFO::alright. but we are kinda shy around each other at school, so we are internet buddies and have known each other for a little less than a month…

Answer #3

yeah it will turn him away some, but what you need to do is go and flirt, but play hard to get, so flirt with him, but when other boys around you both flirt with them too. have a bit of fun, and get him interested in you that way! get to know him more!! good luck :D

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