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Should I break up with her?
Ok Guys! Sorry, it’s another girlfriend problem… But I just need your opinion!
Okay, so they had this High school Senior party at their house on friday, and a few Seniors showed up. And of course the usual she has to flirt with every single one of em (she’s EXTREMELY flirtatious) . But she said she doesn’t like them in that way, and they’re her “big brothers” (my butt). And then one of them comes downstairs and sits in a chair, so the usual walks up to him, hugs him, and then sits in his lap… Right in front of me! So then I go upstairs to grab a drink, and she comes up already thinking im mad and she says “hey are you okay?” and I said “yep”. Then she goes upstairs by herself and a few minutes later I go upstairs to check on her. Turns out she’s mad at me! So im like What did I do NOW! She says “you do this everytime! Your jealousy is freakin killing me and im sick of it!” So then that really ticked me off, and I say “ Well you know im pretty sure most guys wouldn’t like their girlfriends goen around sitting in a guys lap, idc who it is, it’s going to piss me off!” Then she gets really mad and says, “Girls want ATTENTION! Yes im going to flirt and yes im going to want attention!” So then I say! “So I don’t give you enough attention?” And she says “no you do!” Then I say “So what the f*ck are you going around getting attention for if I give you plenty of it!?” Then she says “Girls want it from everybody, not just their boyfriends” I say “So going around sitting in other guys laps is the right way to do it?” Then of course she expects me to be the bad guy in this situation, and apologize to her! Well Im not doing it! I dont think im wrong here!
But what do you guys think?
Note: We’ve been arguing a lot lately
She sounds like an attentionwhore or maybe narcissistic. Since she’s doing it DESPITE the fact that she knows it makes you uncomfortable, suggests that she doesn’t really care about your feelings the way she should. And her defending her actions by saying the ‘all girls’ do it… its just not accurate.
So, if you want to end the relationship… I’d understand.
Just to experiment, while you’re still with her, the next time you’re at party, just ignore her behavior entirely. When she’s with you, be hospitable, but when she runs off to other guys… simply don’t notice, or watch her, or even care. While she’s doing that, talk to other girls that you know (don’t be blatant or flirty about it) just be casual. Don’t check to see if she’s watching, don’t go looking for her, just let her do what she wants.
Let’s see how she reacts.
Thank you guys for the advice, It seriously helped me make my decision!
I did dump her! Also recently, I’ve been a lot happier! She’s caused so much stress in my life and I just couldn’t take it anymore!
Have you even been bugged by someone or something and you’ve held it in for sooo long and you just finally blew up? Hehe, well I did! And it felt GREAT!
hey sweetie, anytime your girlfriend/partner disrespects your feelings, like sitting on other guys laps at a party, it is WRONG. she knows how these actions of hers make you feel-hoorible, right? your girlfriend should want to make you feel secure and loved, not humiliated and pissed off. tell her what I said!
ok,she is so wrong.you are right because girls dont want attention from everyone we want it mostly from boyfriedns and our best friends.thats B.S.second off,its like me sitting on my ex’s lap and not expecting my b/f not to get mad.duhh,of course he is going to get mad.(I’d never do that) but w/e.SHE’S A NASTY CHICK AND you NEED TO DROP HER.
ok first thats bs, with the attiontion from everyone, and second, give her the talk, tell her what you want change, and eexplain why you want changes like that. if she still acts like that, the be like peace , because if she keeps flirting with people like that, she dont care about you oviosly, you know. and im telling you from experience.
k I hope I really help you out, hit me up if you need more help, glad to help ya.
Oh Btw, Sorry, Me and Her Are Both 15… We’re not seniors…
good job, you dumped her (Y)
Dump her -_- Plus the way you put it makes you seem like you really want. LMAO
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