Should I believe him that he cares about me?

My ex broke up with me about a month and a half ago. He broke up with me for another girl. (She is a lot uglier than me and fatter) well we broke up. Well lately he has been calling me tell me I shouldn’t go out with these guys i talk to and that kind of stuff. He is always saying he cares about me and wants to be with me but yet he wont break up with his girl. What should I do?

Answer #1

You should be very friendly and smiling with your ex, and go out with anybody who you like.

Answer #2

Move on! Most men want their cake and eat it to. He doesn’t want you and why would YOU want him? Come on, he is wanting you while he is with another? So you hook up with him while you’re together, now he has her and you and you have who?? NO ONE!

Answer #3

The thing is this guy doesnt want anybody else to have you…but then neither does he!! Dont let this guy tell you what you want to hear..he doesnt care about you, and he doesnt want to get back with you!! Move on and dont let this guy get the best of you!

Answer #4

wow ok the same exact thing happend to me a couple months ago, in my case the only reason he was still keeping contact with me was because he wanted to have a “backup” in case things went wrong. i was so voulnerable that he was able to take advantage of me and we didnt go out again when he broke up with the girl he just found anpther one to go out with. so i think that you shoul talk to him and let himknow that he needs to stop because you can do what you wanna do. stop it before it gets too late and you are in my situation..beleive its not a fun place to be in..good luck!

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