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Should I be woried about my penius size
Okay so I’m 13 and my penius is 3 inches unetect and 4 1/2 erected and I just wanted to know I this is normal or what I could do to make it look bigger or be bigger should I be worried and if it helps I have hair under my armpits
all sizes are dif
You are 13. Why would you need to worry? You are too young to have sex so that shouldnt be making you worry. You are young, you still have a lot of growing to do.
You should ony worry if you get older and you are still 4.5. I am 6.5 and the truth is that every men would like to have it larger, even when you have an average or above average size. And also the truth is that some girls do care about size, others dont.
hey dude its absoloutely fine at 14 it is average to reach 5 inches but dont worry if people at school or whatever are talking about it, people do excagerate about theirs
hey im 14 and mine is a little more than 3 inches long soft and 4 inches long when erect… I know a lot of people exagerate about theirs, but I was wondering if thats normal for a 14 year old… please help!
this is for everyone out there wondering that same question…most girls don’t care about how big you penis is, as long as you have one…its just like how most men(if they like the girl) don’t really care about how big there breasts are, just as long as they’re there…trust me, ask the girl :) hope it helped
all guys grow at different rates, so its hard to judge. youu could grow a lot very soon. You really shouldnt be doing anything but masturbating, but if you want it to look larger, try shaving around it… if there is anything to shave that is.
I’m 12 years old, I have a penis size of 7 inches with a Boner. I look up the average penis size for a 17 year old. is is all 4-6in. so you are on you average size for baby dicks. this all bullshit you have a little dick haha
Average, at the beginning of 13 I was around 4.5 and towards the very end right until I hit 14 I was 5.5. I am 2 months into 14 now and I am about 6 erect which is about an inch and a half above the average for my age but it all varies some people are different. My friend who is 15 only has about 5 inches and he and his girlfriend have sex and she couldn’t care less, a real girl isnt really going to care so I wouldn’t worry much if I were you bud(: Hope it helped- Ethan
firstly is “penis” and secondly its “when erect” or when flaccid (not errect) as for your penis, it sounds normal at 13 youve only just begun to go through puberty and your penis doesnt just magically grow big when you start puberty it takes years to gradually grow…years your penis will reach its full length by the time your around 19 years old so you have plenty of time to be patient and wait for it to grow keep in mind that just like guys like women will small and big boobs girls like boys with small and big penis’ you just have to fint the right girl for you as for your armpit hair, it just means your going through puberty which means you might have gotten some pubic hair by now and trimming that pubic hair could make your penis look a little bit bigger
I agree with jazlovestoskate your still young you shouldn’t be worry about that kind of stuff I mean some guys have big ones and some have small it depends on the guys body so don’t worry about it you still got a whole bunch of years ahead of you
asking about your penis size at this age???!!! what are u…a want-to-be-a-future-father-soon…dont worry…its more wierd if you have too big!!!
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