Should I be mad

Ok my mom who has 13 grandchildren never comes to any of her daughters house I moved I have been living at my new house for 6 months she has only came 1 time and that was 6 months ago. They favor my second oldest anyways well my step dad does a lot and they never visit any of my other three sisters and if they want your kid to spend the nite we have to brinh them and drop them off most of the time its crazy what should I do I have went off on her told her how I feel she still just dosent get it she drinks a lot and most of the time when she calls me she is drunk. What should I do cause I do love her

Answer #1

Do you visit her? How often?

Do your sisters visit her? How often?

Till when should she be the one who is supposed to care?

She is waiting for you to take an action, and you are not doing a good job. She did pay attention in the past and now it’s her turn to feel cared about.

You shouldn’t be mad, you should be sorry. If there is someone who should be mad, it’s the mother that’s left alone.

Do you know why she drinks? ‘Cause Alcohol is her only friend, alcohol is the only thing that is around her. Fill her space and she will quit drinking ‘cause there will be no room left for alcohol.

Get out of here and go see your mama!

Keep your head high up Greetings from Egypt! Noblez Chavazelle

Answer #2

Deep stuff dealing w/your parents. Keep in mind their experiences in life and with their own parents. If our parents are messed up, there’s probably reason for it. As a girl-child of your mother, you have a very good chance at understanding how she works. Its ok to be mad, but you have to be compassionate too. Especially since demons are passed down through the family, so often what frustrates us about our family is what frustrates us in ourselves.

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