Should I ask to go on birth control?

my mom has always been pretty open. she has even told me that she will put me on the pill if i needed it. i get my period every 2 weeks and i want on the pill. i am afraid that if i ask her to go on the pill then she will think that i am sleeping with someone. should i ask her to put me on it or not?

Answer #1

If shes open about it then ask her. I just got on it the other day when I went to the doctor because I never know when I have my periods and I am always complaining about my stomach hurting when I do so we went to the doctor because my throat was hurting, and she was like well why dont you ask him about your periods. So I did and at first it was kinda weird, and I didnt have to get one of those things stuck up inside of me either. The doctor was like well we can put you on the pill is that something you would like to try, and I said idk and looked at my mom and she was like i am leaving it up to you, so i was like i guess idk and he wrote the percription for it and said think about it and if u want it then here it is, so when we went to get the other meds filled i got it filled to and im going to start it like he told me to. I think my mom thinks its just for my periods because she is so open she knows what I have did with guys, but I kinda leave out that im sexual active the smart way with condoms.

Good Luck!

-Hope I helped


Answer #2

you can i hear that it can really help to reduce periods and that it makes your boobs big too and it did it for my sister so i have seen profe!

Answer #3

Sure. If she’s open about it, why not ask her for it? There’s nothing to be ashamed of.

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