Why does he make me shake and almost cry ?

Answer #1

More details.

Answer #2

This guy at my school I let him drink my blood because he asked n all that stuff n then he ignored me for weeks not even checking if I was ok or anything I had feelings for him until I found out he was a prick n now when I c him I shake and almost cry

Answer #3

Um yes please :)

Answer #4

forget everything about him. erase him from your mind and soul. get rid of everything that has to deal with him. move on. no guy is worth feeling bad for!

Answer #5

Wow, um. If i were you I would just try to block him out if my memory and not let anyone drink my blood again.

Answer #6

ROFL!!! OMG! i didn’t even relize this is the vampy chick lol… Are you refeering to your vamp lover boi?

Answer #7

–thought he wasn’t talkin to you O_o

Answer #8

Hehe. Does she really let people drink her blood? 0.o

Answer #9


Answer #10

I think she turned into a vamp after he drank her blood. Why do you think she has no dp? –lol jaykay<3

Answer #11


Answer #12

he who, and what does he do to cause that?

Answer #13

this dude she liked drank her blood cause he’s a crazy wanna be Edward. And now he won’t talk to her.

Answer #14

This guy at my school I let him drink my blood because he asked n all that stuff n then he ignored me for weeks not even checking if I was ok or anything I had feelings for him until I found out he was a prick n now when I c him I shake and almost cry

Answer #15

He isn’t a wana b Edward it’s some thing he has nothing to do with twilight he has pophyria !!! So u wana just shut up I wanted to help him

Answer #16

Lmfao. (:

Answer #17

first why would you let somebody drink your blood?? and second why would be drink your blood?

Answer #18

lol… because she likes to help crazy people. –look on my pro and look for the question ‘’was it stupid to let him drink my blood’’ it explains everything

Answer #19

lol god i was jk.

Answer #20

If he drank your blood why would he bother checking to see if you’re okay? What’s the worst that could have happened? You did something pretty foolish and now you have to deal with it. Ignore the guy, he’s weird.

Answer #21

Ok people, please lay off a little…the badgering is not helping her situation any….. He makes you feel this way because he hurt and betrayed you - now you have a lot of emotions to work through. Hold your head high…it will take a little time, but you’ll get over what he did to you and come out stronger for it in the end.

Answer #22

Thank you :)

Answer #23

The only way blood would help him, don’t quote me on this because i’m not sure, is if it were injected into his blood stream through dialysis. Him drinking blood wont do him any good because it’s just going to his stomach, not circulated through his blood stream.

Answer #24

Yeh I no that now but I dnt 4-5mounths ago :(

Answer #25

hun,it’s over with. And it happened months ago. let it go! –The guy is weird and messed up and isn’t worth your time. Let it go

Answer #26

She’s messed up too! Who the hell cuts themselves so some wacko can suck blood from their veins? They’re MADE FOR EACHOTHER! Bahahahaha!

Answer #27

… vampir much? i shaved my bfs back cause hes a werewolf, if you have crush on vampir i have wolf bf lol. im srry but drinking blood is little crazy :/

Answer #28

Lol. True. But maybe if she stops talkin about that weirdo and caring so much,she can see how his crazyness effected her or idk lol

Answer #29


Answer #30

now i know. it hurts thts why she almost cried and shaked :)

Answer #31

Honestly.i’m worried about her dude. Like what if that guy had a dirty mouth or some illness and it got passed to her? :(

Answer #32

Then it’s even more of a lesson learned.

Answer #33

Pssshh, I’m worried about him! What if she has some sort of disease and he caught it?!

Answer #34

i would go check wit doc

Answer #35


Answer #36

I think they’re the perfect match for eachother. They need to go on a hot date. HAHAHHA!

Answer #37

U don’t know him he’s a p*ick that messed me about n u can’t help talking about it cause it’s harder to get out my head that u think !!!!

Answer #38

im sorry i made fun of you, but i think for your health you have to check with docter :/

Answer #39

dude if he’s a pr!ck then he isn’t worth your time caring about.

Answer #40

probably a rapist

Answer #41

Why would you do that?? That’s just…odd. Sorry. But anyways, you’re emotionally shaken I’m sure. The feelings are normal. Just don’t let them get the best of you. The best way to get back at them is to smile and never let them know it hurt. :)

Answer #42

This whole thing is a phase im sure.

Answer #43

Ok, i agree that everyone may have been a little rough on ya, but for real - dont let anyone drink your blood. Veryyyy creepy. Coleen is right, he hurt and betrayed you, to get back at him i would just stake him in the heart. :)

Answer #44

wow um that a little werid…..but the feelings do go away eventually but u gotta stop thinkin bout it and move on or the feeling wnt ever go away

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