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Should I be worried?
Okay, this might be kind of long but read if you’re interested. So I’m 17 years old and I weight 74 pounds. I eat all the time, not very healthy at all.. but none the less I eat a lot and always have. When I was 15, I weighed 93.. so I’ve lost 19 pounds in the past two years for no reason whatsoever. My mom is also very small.. she weighs like 109, and weighed 89 pounds when she was pregnant with my sister at age 20..so she’s been small too. But 74 pounds is just ridiculous. Anyway, so after a lot of drama with other people about my weight, I finally decided to go to my doctor and get my blood drawn. They couldn’t find anything wrong; it wasn’t my thyroids, I’m not anemic, etc. So they made me get an EKG and an echocardiograph (heart things) to see if it was something like that, and I haven’t gotten the results yet. I think they think I have an eating disorder because they didn’t find anything in my lab results so they are making me go to a nutrionist and go to a counselor at least once.. but I can promise you I have never had an eating disorder. And you can tell I eat, like I’m really skinny but I do have noticible fat on my lower stomach, which I don’t like at all.. oh and I haven’t had my period for 10 months because of my weight.. but should I be extremely worried? Any other ideas of what it could be? Any feedback at all would be good, thanks.
you could just have a REALLY fast metabolism. they can give you pills to slow it down. if you really don’t have an eating disorder then I dont think its much to worry about. and not getting your period because of being thin is normal, well not normal, but it happens to everyone who gets too thin.
if your doctors think you have an eating disorder just tell them (or counsellor etc) that you know you dont and that you eat enough and actually want to gain a bit of weight, that you know its unhealthy to be this thin and you arent doing it on purpose.
they could probs give you stuff that will make you gain a bit of weight/muscle, but they wont do that until they are satisfied that its not anything else.
do you eat set meals? like breakfast is a meal, lunch is a meal, dinner etc, or do you just eat when your hungry? because my sister used to just eat when she was hungry and she just sometimes forgot to eat for like 2 days at a time. shes quite thin but not 74 pounds lol. and also eating the right things could help, like people think that fast food and take out is fattening, but for someone with a fast metabolism it just goes straight through them. so eating more carbs and meat and veges would sit in your system longer and you would get more nutrients out of it. I don’t know, just wait for the doctors results. dont worry too much though, as you said your mum is thin too so it must just be in your genes. id love to be as thin as you! lol. good luck x
umm it is definately a problem for your age and your body type to be so uncompatable.since your mom is small its the way her genes have been passed down to u. trust me I know my mom used to be really small all the way up until high school and didnt get big until she had kids.now im the same way im small just like she used to be. but anyway just consult to your doctor hope I helped out.
Yes, it is a problem. Being that underweight (uhm not sure how any fat managed to cling on to you) is not good for your health. Whether you have an eating disorder or not, look at going to see a nutritionist as a positive thing. Laying out meal plans could help you gain some weight. And counselors are generally nice people. So you’ll sit and chat with someone for 50 minutes. It’s not the end of the world.
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