Selfish sister?

ok so im doing an english assignment and its really hard and I’ve been asking my sister for help and she did a few times and then I felt bad so I did a bit mself and gave her a break but then I needed help with the last part so I asked her and she said that I needed to learn how to do it myself but all she was doing was msging guys!! does she have a point or is she jst being selfish?

Answer #1

lol she does have a point .. I have a sister just like this.. she NEVER wanted to help me with my assignments, I always needed to “figure it out myself” lol finally I stopped asking & did as she said! (:

Answer #2

Well, there you both make a point, She is just chatting with guys, but you should also learn to do it yourself. If it is really hard perhaps you could ask a parent or caregiver for some help. Do’nt expect her to do all the work, But she could help you. Try make a deal with her like “I’ll do the dishes tonight if you help me with my homework” That is if you do the dishes. Or you could make up something else. In the end It is up to you, Should you do it, or leave it up to your sister to help.

Answer #3

She has a point. I have 3 younger sisters who always ask me for help and sometimes I help them if I see that they truly are stuck or I don’t help them if they are just to lazy to do it themselves. for example, my 13 year old sister asked for help on a project and I helped her with the set up of how to write everything but had her write the thing itself. it is kindof like helping someone start but have them do the actual work. so maybe your sister feels that you have asked her so much that you just want her to do the esay for you. why dont you try to ask her about something specific, then she might help you…

Answer #4

she does have a point…your sister wont always be there for you so you have to learn how to be independent and not having to count on somone and plus she cant spend 24/7 helping u

Answer #5

well I’m with you kid if she already did it I would expect her to help me too but then again she already did it and she has a life also she just might be fed up and not want to do it anymore sorry kid

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