What does a section leader have to do to be good?

Answer #1

What kind of section leader? Generally, be firm about the direction your bosses want you to take (with, of course your own reasonable input,) be positive, and listen to those who’s charge you have.

Answer #2

well, im the section leader of the percussion section of the marching band in our school. thats the kind of section leader i am.

Answer #3

Then I suspect you know your business or you wouldn’t have been chosen for the job. I have belonged to several choirs and chorus’. The worst directors I’ve had were those that were fearful of telling people what they needed to do in order to improve…either because they didn’t know or they didn’t want to hurt feelings. I also had one who was a bit whiney about what we were doing wrong. I liked her fine because she knew her stuff and called it as she saw it, but she was not very popular because she was whiney about it. This group needs direction and you were chosen for the job. Good for you. Trust your instincts and understand that your goal is to help people become excellent. Good luck and congratulations and remember you can always learn things from those who you lead as well.

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