Is there a search engine which is better than Google in your opinion?

Answer #1

It depends on what you need. Advanced searches can be done on google but you will only narrow it down to thousands of sites. Bing isnt good. Nettreker for reasearch. Depends waht you are looking up

Answer #2

Yes its caled funadvice.

Answer #3 (but its in kroean) i use it more than google in Korea there is a saying Naver Know everything xD ( i know there was no point in saying this but u didnt say it had to be in english xD)

Answer #4

Well I wouldn’t go so far as to say: “better than the whole Google Suite” but there is an alternative that is superior in some respects:

Copernic Agent - not exactly a search engine, but a Meta Search Application that you install on your computer. It sends your search to multiple search engines simultaneously, retrieves information from them all and sorts the “hits” into order of likely relevance. . It does a lot more including storing the results of your searches and optionally downloading selected result pages for reading while off-line and for future reference.

Too powerful to describe all its features in detail but it is in my opinion invaluable for doing serious research and project work rapidly and efficiently. . You can download the “Personal” version free (for non-commercial use) from .

– Best wishes - Majikthise. .

Answer #5

I like Google Chrom, although it is still Google, it is much faster and more affitiant (sorry for the spelling)

Answer #6

Answer #7

for me google is like THE best

Answer #8

I use wolfram alpha sometimes for looking up facts rather than websites. Like if you want the number of population of Lithuania, the name of the largest known star or the length of a furlong in meters, then wolfram alpha is your search engine. If I want to find documents, articles, pictures and stuff, I use google.

Answer #9

I like bing

Answer #10

. I hate Bing. .

Answer #11

well i like it

Answer #12

It smells of poo.

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