Search for religion

I would like to start searching for a religion that is right for me and will make me happy. Does anyone know a good place to start (website, book, etc.)

Answer #1

dont choose a religion just because people say “its better” I know what I believe but that doesnt mean im gonna try and debate with others on whose religion is better…just know that its YOUR choice so dont let others make it for you! =)

Answer #2

Be come a muslim. I’ve been a muslim and im very happy. read the holy quaran and it is a very peaceful religion. if you hearda bout terrorist theyre not muslims no matter what people say. they just use violence to force people in islam which is not what islam teaches.

Answer #3

Look up things to being a Christian. Im a christian and my religion makes me happy.

Answer #4

Ya go online and read the” Holy Quran” it’s a realy good religin so go and read it in English and you will understand

Answer #5

Thinking that a religion will make you happy, is the wrong approach to begin with…

Answer #6

Read the Bible. That’s where you should begin.

Answer #7

well in that case…good luck! hope you find what you’re looking for

Answer #8

My religion is that noodles and stir-fry apsolutely rock and every friday you must have them for tea (like you go to church on sunday if your christian) and that God is Dog because God spelled backwards is Dog. So therefore when you pray to him instead of saying AMEN you say AWOOF! And that everyone should really be veggie. Basically I think if you want to find a religion that suits you and will make you happy then make up your own one!! I mean someone made up Sikism so why cant you make up your own religion! Its official to YOU! And on the plus side you can make all the rules up that you think are right, and do things your way, so your garanteed to be happy and its definetly gunna suit you because its made by you! Everyone is entitled to believe what they want. :) hope this helps :) em x

Answer #9


I am a Christian and I can assure you that I am not guaranteed happiness everyday. I can also say that being a Christian does not guarantee that I will not have trials and problems throughout my life. Being a Christian, however, does guarantee that I have a personal one-on-one loving relationship with my God, who loves and cares for me and will never give me more than I can handle. He promises that He will be beside me at all times. He loved me enough to give his life for me and my salvation.

Please note also when comparing all other religions that Christianity stands alone apart from all the other religions in a unique way. All other religions (that I know of) requires a person to do something for his or her own salvation. Whether it be meditating on words and physical poses, searching for a higher divinity through ritual, transforming yourself into a more ‘spiritual’ person through a lifetime of practices, good works and deeds, and the list goes on and on. Even Hinduism with its reincarnation theory is ultimately for a man-made purpose… to better yourselves through countless lives to better yourself and eventually become a god in your own right (enlightenment). Same with Scientology, Buddhism, Islam, Witchcraft, Judaism and all the other religions out there.

My God searches me out… I don’t have to go in search of Him. Christianity is so simple… just believe in God the Father and that He came down as a man (Jesus Christ) because he loved you enough to sacrifice Himself by being crucified on a cross. That’s all… and He did that completely for you! All you have to do is accept this free gift! Your Christian life and your personal relationship with God begins with that very simple belief.

A lot of times, Christians get mocked because (as they say) we are out to ‘convert the world’. That may well be true and I admit that, but let me tell you why. If you won the lottery, wouldn’t you want to share the good news, the wealth and the abundance with those you love and care about? I think that if you find Jesus Christ in your life, you will have that abundance and treasure and you WILL want to share it with all you love and care about. My relationship with God is my lottery and I want to share it!

Anyways, good luck in your search and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I will be more than happy to answer anything that may be bothering you.

Answer #10

first of all start reading the book of mormon then look at theese: 1 WE BELIEVE in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

2 WE BELIEVE that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.

3 WE BELIEVE that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

4 WE BELIEVE that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

5 WE BELIEVE that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. 6 WE BELIEVE in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.

7 WE BELIEVE in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.

8 WE BELIEVE the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

9 WE BELIEVE all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

10 WE BELIEVE in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.

11 WE CLAIM the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

12 WE BELIEVE in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

13 WE BELIEVE in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

then find a local lds curch if youask any one there anything they will tell you what you need to know

hope I helped :) have fun

Answer #11

The site ichibinarky pointed out is good, but don’t let your research stop there. I’d talk to people about it, attend seminars and talks, take part in debates and forums etc. It took me years to figure out I was an atheist, and I have done plenty of research and participated in plenty of discussions on the subject of religion.

However, I do feel the need to point out that finding a religion won’t necessarily make you happy. I find it’s more important to go on a journey of self discovery- define exactly what you like and don’t like, who you are on the inside and outside, in a group, on your own… and you may think you’ve got that figured out, but there’s so much more you can discover- I’m still discovering stuff about myself I couldn’t understand before! You can define what you believe without adhering to a specific religion, or defining yourself by one- not everyone fits perfectly into a box, there are all shades in between.

Answer #12

if you’re sticking with “god” from a christian standpoint, then I’d recommend studying 3 religions; Catholicism, Mormonism, and Judaism. (for clarification purposes, I’m aware that Jews are not christian, but it is the same God, as they believe there was a Jesus of Nazareth as Christians do.) those 3 are the only “Christian-God” religions that have any grounds of claiming to be God’s true church on the earth. outside of that…Hindu, Muslim, etc, I don’t have much information for you. sorry I can’t be of more assistance. hopefully this will at least get you started though. good luck, and remember to pray about it!

Answer #13

I don’t plan on becoming something just because they say that their religion is ‘the way’. I only want to know a good place to start researching different religions so that I may decide for myself.

Answer #14

Here’s a helpful site:

It summarizes several different religions so that you can decide for yourself which one is right for you.

Answer #15

I would say start with the basics. When it comes to Christianity you should know the teachings of Christ. Have you read the bible? And when it comes to a speciffic religion you should once again know the basic teachings and beliefs of that religion.

Answer #16

Religions are like a new toy. All of them will make you happy for a brief period, until the newness wears off and then you are stuck with nothing but the dogma. You’d be better of learning how to be happy independent of religion.

Answer #17

Hello ! first I hope for you all THE BEST THINGS in this world and hereafter. Can you visit thess websites : justice and spirituality association in United States and .

I wish for you Good and happy life.

I am going to pray for you.

Answer #18

Let me rephrase that, I’m looking for a religion that I would be happy with. Right now I am happy but I feel that I want to look around and see if there is a religion out there for me. Perhaps there isn’t, that’s fine, but I would still like the search.

Answer #19

Yes, the best place to find the religion that will make you happy, is down on your knees in prayer.

If you truly want the right one, would it not seem logical to seek the author?

If you want the truth, pray continually in earnest, God, please… I want to know the truth, and I do not want to be misled.

it would seem that the God that designed the universe and everything within it, would be able to do that, don’t you think?

When you truly find him, you will not need to look any further.

Don’t settle for less than the best.

I will be praying for you.

Answer #20

Hi Jeremy I really did not think young lads thought much about religion, but let me give you some information that taken in the correct way will open your eyes.

Answer #21

Go on Wikipedia and search some religions that you know of and read about what they entail and the basics of the religion. Or if none that you know of seem to make you happy enough to follow, then search Google for religions that follow things that make you happy, I.e. if nature makes you happy search religions based on or entailing nature. Good luck!!

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