Who invented science?

who invented all of scince

Answer #1

From what I’ve learned, science comes from the ancient Greeks. Democritus was the first one to say that matter was based on emptyness - atoms. Shortly after him, many other greek philosophers made statements about life and earth; the Universe was made out of fire and water. Although not exactly the truth, the statements led to the further developing of science.

Answer #2

I dont think anyone invented science… its a way of thinking… I dont know if you can invent a way of thinking/knowing…?

I mean im sure someone thought up the scientific method… but I dont know who did that…

Answer #3

…that’s a very broad question :) Thousands of years ago, when people first learned to cultivate crops instead of hunting & gathering food…that’d be “science” to them, now we think of it as “common” and not scientific at all.

Perhaps next time, you can provide a bit more context for your question if that’s not what you were looking for.

Answer #4

Many different clever inventors and scientists as well as psychologists invented science but it in their own was - Sir Issac Newton found gravity just as Einstein found out about radiation (I think). It was just all added together to be under one subject really

Answer #5

I think it was the ancient greeks but if you want to know the father of modern science, it is Italian scientist Galileo.

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