Scary Snake

So my life science teacher has a boa and a spider… big spider. Well next week my class has to watch the snake eat mice. I could watch House were the cut up bodys, fake but real looking, but I could never watch like vet shows were they cut them open. My sister was the oppisit. But I cant even watch my dog get a shot. How am I gonnna watch a snake eat mice! please Help!

Answer #1

There is no legitimate education to make you watch something that you find repugnant or are phobic about. Either take nickjonasbiggestlover’s advice, tell the teacher how you feel, talk to a guidance counselor or the principal, or bring a note from a parent asking that you be excused from watching.

Answer #2

Sometimes you got to do something a couple times before you get comfortable with it. Go to a pet store and watch them feed there so you won’t lose it in class.

Good Luck

Answer #3

hey what up…look away when the teacher deminstrates the snake eating mice…but if she really wants you to watch just look right abbove the snake it looks like your looking at it buts your not…ttyl

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