what is the purpose of scannign somtyhing?

what is the purpose of scannign somtyhing?

Answer #1

I’m not sure I’ve understood your question, but if you mean scanning a document in connection with computers:

If you have a printed document (anything - a form, a letter, a book chapter, etc) and you want to beable to store it 8and read it, edit or change it etc) on your computer, you have two options:

  1. you can open a new file/document on your computer and then type in every blasted word from the original document

  2. you can use a scanner to do the basic work for you. The quality of what you get from the scanner will depend on how clear the original was, and in any case you should check it (some letters, like ‘e’ and ‘o’, can easily get confused, especially if the original is a little grubby). But, even if you find some mistakes like that, using the scanner can save you lots of time and effort.

You can also scan graphics - very handy.

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