how can i save up 178+ dollors to buy an iPod touch?

ive tried saving money but its jes really hard and it gets spend up too fast. thanks :)

Answer #1

Have somebody hold on to it, and tell them no matter what you say, don’t give the money to you. Hide your money and forget where you put it (what, it always works for me lol :P)

Answer #2

i always hide mine under sterios in my brother’s room, or i just put it in my walett and never touch it… now i wanna kno how much i have :o

Answer #3

Yes I agree with moe. But also try and tell yourself to put a certain amount of money away whenever you get your income. This way you can have a goal of when you’ll have the money and when you can buy your iPod! Any extra mort you get will be a bonus and you can input that in your savings. Try not to get into the habit of ‘borrowing’ mo ey from it.

Good luck!

Answer #4

Yey someone else wit d same problem as mey, Aye ^-^ das how we awesome. Lmao. aniwaiz i wouldnt give it to someone to hold onto cuhz i mean, i dont trust people like that these days, idk bout chu buht…eh. You should just stop going to stores u kno, cause when u walk into the store && be like “ just looking today.” Its like theres ALWAYS something u find that its a MUsThave !! xD but yeah, stop going to stores for a little while so u kno u arent going to find anything for sure and before u kno it u’ll have the money :) U have to REALLY want it thoe. But just think of it this way- The sooner u get ur Ipod touch, the sooner u’ll get to buy all those other must-haves w/o worrying about saving for ur Ipod touch. Gud LuK. !

Answer #5

Babysitting. I wanted to buy the exact same thing, and with babysitting alone, I was able to save up (from scratch) $190 in about 2 or 3 months.

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