Is San Antonio, Texas, or Los Angeles gonna get an NFL team?

Answer #1

I personally think of LA and San Antonio of big basketball cities. LA has two NBA teams, and there are already two NFL teams in Texas, and three in Cali, so I kind of doubt it.

Answer #2

if anything LA will get the next football team. but! it is extremely hard seeing that LA already has a NHL team, NBA teams(2). and with cali alrdy having 3 football teams. Magic Johnson is trying to get a group together to get an NFL team there. it is not as easy as it sounds.

Answer #3

I did some more research, and yeah LA maybe, San Antonio not so much. But it would probably have to be a current team that moves to LA instead of making a new team.

Answer #4

LA used to have the Rams but lost it to St. Louis…

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