How safe is the site "myyearbook" ?

Answer #1

Its horrible! Ever since I put my pic or I think I did something else idk, on there I got stalked by tons of older men it was horrible lol they all claimed to have gone to highschool with me which is impossible cuz I’m only 14

Answer #2

Oh geez. Well, ok then. Thanks!

Answer #3

Yah and one of my friends was stalked by this one man on there for a year. BUT it can be good I suppose

Answer #4

Why didn’t your friend just block him? :/

Answer #5

Wait you can do that? How?

Answer #6

its not the best site… not very interesting to say the least

Answer #7

its not the best site… not very interesting to say the least

Answer #8

Oh wait, whoops! I was confusing the site you were talking about with an application on Facebook. My bad! :s

Answer #9

I got one. And its not dangerous. Nothings dangerous, unless u give out ur personally info.

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