Running Away advice

I want to run away but not forever just long enought for my parents to feel sorry for everything they’ve ever done to me…im going with a friend and havealot of money and we have been planning this for months now it seems flawless…I however am beggining to have second thoughts (im afraid of getting in trouble)but I hate my parents so much and would do anything to get away from them…I dont know what to do. I need advice.

Answer #1

Not a smart idea - too many dangers / consequences - do you really want to put your loved one through this kind of hurt and paining of not knowing how you are - just so you can have ‘revenge’ - yes, you’ll get in trouble - step up, be mature and work it out…I wish you the best !!

Answer #2

well lock your door lol dont let her kill u if you hate your parents that much go live with a friend or family member for a while

Answer #3

Hi! running away isn’t such a good idea… TRUST me I’ve done it before. Its not worth it. If your 18 and you can leave legally go for it! but if not hang in there, the best is yet to come!

Answer #4

lets just say that I have to sleep with my door locked in fear that my moms going to come in my room and kill me while im sleeping.

Answer #5

unless they’re like physically hurting you or something dont do it I think running away is immature and overdramtic there’s so many other options if you feel like your having serious problems at home like just talking to them, or counseling or if its bad enough, the police

Answer #6

wow. this is tricky. Have you thought about the fact police might be gettin involved? You should talk 2 your folks because that isnt the answer. They love you in there own way and you should really sit and talk to them. I know its hard but sometimes you gotta do things you dont want to do x

Answer #7

if you are worried that your mom is going to kill you while you are sleeping, you have some serious things to consider. running away will only make it worse. you cannot run away from your problems, it will only make things worse. if you are scared for your life, you need to talk to another close adult family member and go with them to the police, and the other option is talking to someone from social services…asapq. running away will not make your mom feel guilty for everything that she ever did to you, it will p*ss her off and scare her half to death. peace be with you, child.

Answer #8

Instead of running away, why not go live with another family member? or contact family and children services if they’re doing something bad to you. If you run away, you’ll be a runaway. If you’re in school, you won’t be able to go to school and if the cops find you, you’ll get arrested and spend some time in Juvie hall or jail. If they’re abusing you, go to someone and talk to them. Go to the police or another family member, they’ll help you. It’s better than running away and ruining your record. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Answer #9

If you run away, the cops may find you and you will probably get arrested. Besides, I don’t know what your parents have done to you, but is it really worse than the scare you will put them through? I wouldn’t do it if I were you, your friend might even get in trouble. Try talking to them first, tell them why you are mad at them and everything. Funmail me with more info. if you would like to talk

Answer #10

I’m going to be 16 soon

Answer #11

YA, I agree with everyone above. You don’t want to get involved with the police. That’s just a juvenile life of bad news and heartache. You really shouldn’t hate your parents. What have they done to you that is so bad?

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