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ESCAPE THE FATE <3 They just aren’t the same without Ronnie… ]:
ETF or aka Escape the Fate.
escape the fate new band falling in reverse or behind thes wall they changed the name so one of them
Escape The Fate New-From Behind These Walls
Escape The Fate was his old band. He was the lead singer. Now, Craig Mabbitt, the ex lead singer of Bless The Fall, is Escape The Fate’s new singer and Ronnie will be the lead singer of From Behind These Walls. You can listen to some stuff by Ronnie’s new band on their myspace page. These aren’t finished yet, they’re just rough drafts pretty much and are sounding very good if you ask me. If you want to know anything else about this, feel free to contact me.
Who Misses Ronnie Radke!? - 6 Answers
I know were all gonna miss ronnie, but we gotta give craig a chance right?
Eastenders Gossip? Does Ronnie get pregnant?(June '09 --->) - 1 Answers
Does anyone have good gossip for Eastenders. It is June '09, and I don't want stuff already screened. I know Syed is gay, and...
Ronnie on Home Improvement - 3 Answers
Hey, I just finished watching Home Improvement, and I think Mark Taylor's goth friend 'Ronnie' is really cute, and I want to ...
What happens in Eastenders from 3rd August onwards??? - 2 Answers
Does anyone know what is going to happen in Eastenders??? It is the 3rd of August, and I already know that Ronnie kidnaps Hea...
Eastenders gossip - 5 Answers
Anyone know the upcoming storylines for eastenders So far I have Ronnie and roxie both preg's Archie other secret [dannielle....
Who can't wait for the eastenders live episode? - 3 Answers
Who can't wait for the eastenders live episode? and who do you think killed archie? im so excited lol(: I hope it was someon...
Who know's what the name of these two song's from JerseyShore are. ? - 2 Answers
In the trailer when they are at the club what song is that .? it sounds like uh huh your goin home with me .then in season 2...
Do any of the cast from Jersey Shore smoke or drink? - 13 Answers
I hear Sammi really does'nt and she's the only one is this true?
Who is tired of Sammy (Jersey Shore) and her stuff? - 7 Answers
In my opinion she is just a clinger she hangs around him all the time then wants him back.
Do Americans get any British programs on TV? - 18 Answers
I live in the UK and was wondering if you guys in America get any british programmes on your tv,if so what are they and do yo...