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Do rompers look cute on people with short legs?
I think they look as cute on women with short legs as people with long legs. Of course, it’s also dependent on how thin they are…
it really depends on your whole body type. If you have a long torso and short legs I dont think it works but if your leg length is proportionate to your torso its a super cute look, but its all opinion and regardless if you have confidence anything will be amazing.
Yes, even better on short girls.
Rompers look good on any girl :)
Ya, they look better on shorter girls in my opinion. Im only 5’1” and i think i look alright hahaha
What would look better; long or short hair? - 3 Answers
if you could see my picture what would I look better with long hair on short hair
Do bigger people look good with short hair? - 3 Answers
I'm contemplating cutting my hair really short but I'm a little bigger (not really big but a TINY bit more than average). Do ...
What cute clothing would look good on me? - 1 Answers
I have a very athletic body type and a lot of cute clothes dont look good on me because of it. is there any cute clothes I sh...
Do skinny jeans look good on people with small legs? - 5 Answers
I ve always wanted to wear skinny jeans! I have a pair of them but my legs are very small! so I never wear them beacuse I am ...
short legs - 2 Answers
how to make me look like im short are small
Should I be offended that people say I have stubby legs? - 11 Answers
my legs are really short i am 5'2 and i have stubby legs i think they are quite cute in my opinion and my boyfriend thinks my...
Do leggings make a person's legs look fat? - 2 Answers
Du you think leggings make some persons legs look flabby and/or fat?
How do I get a cute stylish for short hair - 3 Answers
I have really short hair and every time I style my hair I look like a boy and I dont want to look like a boy
How to make my short legs look longer? - 5 Answers
hello..well im kinda short im 5"3 and I have really short legs too so I was wondering if there was any possible way to make t...
Do I look cute with curly hair?? - 3 Answers
You cant tell to much in the photo but just wondering if I look cute with curly hair?? thanks
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