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I don’t!!!!
He shouldn’t…
He’s Pro-America.
And what do you mean by that??
I was wondering the same thing.
He shouldnt be our future president!
Im not saying he should be the future president. Im just asking why people think he should be the F.P Like why they want him to be the F.P..
He doesn’t care about most of the American population. I don’t see why people want him to be president, unless they want to go back to having another Bush.
Me too !!!
I don’t think he should, so I can’t answer your question as to points of why he should be. Only why he shouldn’t be. :)
it is obvious Obama has no clue how to fix the economy, employment, forign policy, or any other problem America has. Anyone would be better than what we have now.
You asked why I think Romney should be President? I can’t think of any reason there is about him that would register any answer that he should be President. Romney and Rrryan is another bush Jr /Chaney run and we can’t afford more wars and tax shelters for the rich.
To me, accumulating failed policies that hurt the country and laughing about it is not supportive or Pro-American……Romney is an adult…..my observations
ha obviously that what you think.. think agian hes fixed more than anyone will ever do or has done.
From what I see Obama was elected to clean up the mess….he entered the room, if you will, withh 2 layers of debt on the walls….he himself stated: ‘I will cut the deficit in half by the end of my term’, instead he ADDED 3 more layers to the walls, to the point the debt is now Over 16 TRILLION $$ - it’s clear if he were a CEO given 4 years to fix but did the opposite….made it signifacantly higher, we’d have NO choice….’YOU’RE FIRED’ ….Performance driven
Remember shortly after Obama was elected Mitch McConnell said his number one priority was to make Obama a one term president. We had an economy threatening to slide into depression, Investment, banking, insurance, auto, and airline industries struggling to survive, Americans just lost $trillions of wealth from home equity and stock market prices plummeting and Mitch McConnell’s number one priority was to undermine the Obama presidency? If anyone is anti-American it is the Republicans who’s desire to regain power was stronger than their dedication to their country and who refused to work with the democratically elected president.
He shouldnt he shouldnt even bee a governer!
You say this, but like everyone else, you are unable to mention a single thing that is better than four years ago. The only thing Obuma has done is get us deeper in debt than every president before him, combined.
He would do a better job than Obama.
@DrBill he got Bin Laden and the unempolment rate was sky high before he came into office now it is down so yeah haha
yes and there were only 32 million on food stamps at the beginning of his presidency- now there are 47 million- that is what i call REAL PROGRESS. people have fallen completely out of the job market which has artificially brought the unemployment rate down. obama brought change alright- FOR THE WORSE.
yes he should be, during the debates obama himself demonstrated why he should never have been a president in the first place. he has also demonstrated the democratic doctrine of creating more ‘subjects’ and supporters by having more people on welfare. for anyone to even state he is george bush is simply a ludicrous and absurd statement- he is MITT ROMNEY- not BUSH - the only thing they have in common is that they belong to the republican party.
obama had his chance and by his own words-“ if i can’t get this fixed in 3 years i will make this a one term proposition” well the mess is still here- he knew what was at stake when he ran for president- he lies and twists the truth - as Romney stated in the debates- president obama is great at making speeches- but bad at actually solving problems. obviously his idea of ‘progress’ is different than mine- gas prices double- food prices going higher- people giving up on finding jobs- higher amount of welfare recipients- i don’t see how anyone could ever agree that this country would be better off with 4 more years of the obama administration- seriously.
it is time for a real “CHANGE” and to get rid of the worst president this country has seen since jimmy carter.
my vote is going for MITT ROMNEY
the only reason the unemployment numbers are down is because they don’t count the thousands that have exhausted theirs and no longer counted, but their now on public aid instead.
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